Municipal and School Transportation Assistance Program Support

Statewide, North Carolina

NCDOT’s Municipal and School Transportation Assistance (MSTA) program conducts studies to address pedestrian safety concerns and traffic operations on school campuses, and the effect that traffic has on adjacent state roadways. Through the program, VHB has delivered transportation engineering, planning, and design solutions for more than 100 public, private, and charter schools across the state of North Carolina. This experience has allowed VHB to gain a thorough understanding of the importance of anticipating demands on the transportation network and mitigating any negative operational impacts of proposed school development. Using innovative analysis techniques, VHB understands the micro- and macro-level effects to help identify the optimal outcome.

Concept plan of traffic pattern for a high school. Exterior entrance of New Brunswick High School.


  • North Carolina Department of Transportation


  • Bikeway & Pedestrian Planning & Design

  • Design & Engineering

  • Natural Resource Assessment & Analysis

  • Parking Studies

  • Pedestrian Safety Studies

  • Roundabout Design & Engineering

  • Site Access & Circulation Design

  • Site/Civil Engineering Traffic Impact Analysis

  • Traffic Management & Operations
